Our aim is to improve lives
by funding solutions that
generate skills, income
and access to knowledge.

We support evidence-driven systemic solutions that fight injustice, led by the people who are most affected by it. Our grantee partners are the experts.


We fund locally-led organisations from selected African countries which provide innovative, evidence-based solutions that generate skills, income and access to knowledge. Our partners are dedicated to systematically assessing their impact and adapt their approaches according to their findings.
2022 / Mali
Kabakoo Academies: Catalyzing localized innovation
2022 / Pan Africa
Drones Doing Good Alliance: Levelling the Playing Field
2022 / Uganda
BarefootLaw: Making Access to Justice readily available for everyone
2023 / Burundi
Shekinah Center: Holistically transforming rural communities


Our partners are incredibly important to us. Through formal cooperation and friendship, they support us in finding effective solutions. Here are some of the organisations we partner and exchange ideas with.
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Evidence-based, impact-driven… what does it all mean?
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